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Instructions for our online portal

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1. Head to our online portal and select Parent Login.

Sixtech Software _ Management Software by Dancers for Dancers - Google Chro.. 2021-07-27 a

Start typing: South Dublin Dance academy and then select the school.

Sixtech Software _ Portal _ Select School - Google Chrome 2021-07-27 at 12.53.04 PM.png

Press on forgot your password.

Sixtech Software _ Portal _ South Dublin Dance Academy _ Login - Google Chr.. 2021-07-20 a

2. Insert email used to sign up to our school.

Sixtech Software _ Stage School System _ Forgotten Password - Google Chrome 2021-07-20 at

3. The System will send you an email, click on the link to reset your password.

Reset your password for the Parent's Portal on Sixtech Stage School Softwar.. 2021-07-20 a

4. Choose a password and enter it twice.

The password needs to be at least 8 characters long and contain 1 capital letter, 1 lower case letter and 1 number.

Stage School System _ Sixtech Software _ Reset MyPassword - Google Chrome 2021-07-20 at 4.

& then press Set New Password. 

Stage School System _ Sixtech Software _ Reset MyPassword - Google Chrome 2021-07-20 at 4.

5. Press on Log-in 

Stage School System _ Sixtech Software _ Reset MyPassword - Google Chrome 2021-07-20 at 4.

6. Lookup for South Dublin Dance Academy 
and click on it.


Sixtech Software _ Portal _ Select School - Google Chrome 2021-07-20 at 4.37.08 PM.png

& then press Select

Sixtech Software _ Portal _ Select School - Google Chrome 2021-07-20 at 4.40.37 PM.png

7. Sign in using your email and chosen password. 

Sixtech Software _ Portal _ South Dublin Dance Academy _ Login - Google Chr.. 2021-07-20 a

8. You are now signed into our portal. 

You can now update your profile, look and book for classes, etc. 


Please add the portal URL to your bookmarks so it's easy for you to access it. 

Portal _ Sixtech Software Stage School System _ Main Menu - Google Chrome 2021-07-20 at 4.
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